1. Container Orchestration: Nomad or Kubernetes...

    I recently had the opportunity to dive down into Hashicorp’s Nomad and Kubernetes. We are looking into replacing a ma...

  2. A Dockerfile for CTF

    Capture The Flag competitions usually require a set of tools to help you analyze, reverse engineer and exploits chall...

  3. A Dockerfile for Django in production

    As python is becoming more and more popular, so is it’s ecosystem and frameworks. Django is a popular web application...

  4. Conversation in job interviewing

    This perspective is a Danish software developers views, in an increasingly fast paced global environment.I have recen...

  5. Blind SQL Injection - A brief introduction

    SQL Injection can sometimes be as simple as '0 UNION SELECT * FROM users;-- and suddenly you end up with a dump of th...

  6. lotto challenge in Pwnable.kr

    In this post we solve the lotto challenge of pwnable.kr.lottoThe challenge starts by inviting us to play a game of ch...

  7. cmd challenges in Pwnable.kr

    In this post we solve a few easy challenges on pwnable.kr called cmd1 and cmd2cmd1 and cmd2These two challenges requi...

  8. The Strength of Open Source

    I recently wrote a small piece at work, regarding the commercial benefits of utilizing Open Source Software. It was m...

  9. Bulding a minimal pedal board

    What better way to start off a technical blog mostly about code with a completely unrelated post about my new electri...