1. Using Manjaro Linux as My Daily Driver

    For the longest time, I’ve been exploring various Linux distributions, each with its unique strengths and quirks. Aft...

  2. Programming Languages Are Just Tools

    In the vast landscape of software development, it’s easy to get caught up in the debates about which programming lang...

  3. Container Orchestration: Nomad or Kubernetes...

    I recently had the opportunity to dive down into Hashicorp’s Nomad and Kubernetes. We are looking into replacing a ma...

  4. A Dockerfile for CTF

    Capture The Flag competitions usually require a set of tools to help you analyze, reverse engineer and exploits chall...

  5. A Dockerfile for Django in production

    As python is becoming more and more popular, so is it’s ecosystem and frameworks. Django is a popular web application...

  6. Blind SQL Injection - A brief introduction

    SQL Injection can sometimes be as simple as '0 UNION SELECT * FROM users;-- and suddenly you end up with a dump of th...

  7. lotto challenge in Pwnable.kr

    In this post we solve the lotto challenge of pwnable.kr.lottoThe challenge starts by inviting us to play a game of ch...

  8. cmd challenges in Pwnable.kr

    In this post we solve a few easy challenges on pwnable.kr called cmd1 and cmd2cmd1 and cmd2These two challenges requi...

  9. The Strength of Open Source

    I recently wrote a small piece at work, regarding the commercial benefits of utilizing Open Source Software. It was m...

  10. Bulding a minimal pedal board

    What better way to start off a technical blog mostly about code with a completely unrelated post about my new electri...